About this work

These offerings spring from the wisdom of Yogic Science, where we learn that the body is comprised of 5 koshas (sheaths or layers). The Annamaya-kosha or physical body is our first gate to the subtler realities residing at the core of being.

Using presence and awareness to map the subtle movements of energy, emotion, thought and memory through the physical body in a guided process called Integrative Embodiment, we can learn to use breath, sound and intention to become intimate with and perhaps dissolve the patterns and blocks that obstruct the higher intelligences of insight, intuition and discernment toward resolution into wholeness and inner peace.

Ritual Bodywork provides the structure of a ritual container to add touch and physical presence to these practices facilitating a deeper connection and perhaps release in a held and sacred space.

Drawing from the grace of the Divine Feminine which embraces and accepts all without judgement, Sacred Intimacy is the grounding and support of all of this work as we open into the healing potential of being held and welcomed in our authentic vulnerable truth.


In Service

Dore Ann is a ritualist and a bodyworker whose spiritual path began in childhood as she discovered her natural inclination toward mysticism through her progressive religious and sexual education in a Unitarian Universalist congregation on the East Coast of the US.

Her path centered for many years in India where she studied Hatha Yoga intensively in Rishikesh with Surinder Singh and Ashish Sharma and Vipassana Meditation in the lineage of Goenka and Sayagyi U Ba Khin. Her study of Thai Massage in Northern Thailand revealed hidden layers in the body and relational psyche and propelled her toward Plant Medicine and Neo-Tantric practice where she found her spiritual niche in the intersections of altered states, ritual and the body. She is currently directing her energy back to the lineage of her ancestors and the Goddess traditions of Southern Italy and mystic Judaism.

In addition to 1:1 sessions for body, mind and energy work, she is passionate about facilitating and supporting rituals of connection and meditative dance journeys for groups.